Don't bother building walls (they cost too much and don't last very long) build rocket turrets instead. Watch the state of all your structures and repair them when necessary - it costs spice but it's usually cheaper than building replacements.Ģ. It's worth upgrading the heavy factory several times on later levels so you can produce a mobile construction vehicle. Upgrade the light vehicle and heavy vehicle factories as soon as you can so you can produce siege tanks. It's worth upgrading the construction yard so you can build the larger slabs. Place concrete slabs before placing structures. What's more the missile barrages should have stopped making the chances of you surviving the level far higher.ġ. You now have loads of credits at your disposal and all of your tanks have changed into the more powerful Sonic variety. Start the game and load the saved level 9 position. Go to and change the Atreides tanks to Sonics. Go to search for palaces of the Harkonnen and Sarduakars and change them all to Ordod palaces. Go to and change all Atreides Siege tanks to Atreides Sonic tanks. Go to and change credit to 30000 and Maxunit to 50 Use a Hex editor to edit the SCENARIO.PAK file in the DUNE2 directory and do the following: Here is how to get out of the difficult level 9 if you're playing the Atreides family.